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230529-0743 | Today's Chart, Washington, DC, 09/07/2024 11:32:30 PM EDT +04:00, euro style 1 harmonic
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Earth Earth
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Sun Sun
Mercury Mercury
Venus Venus
Mars Mars
Jupiter Jupiter
Saturn Saturn
Uranus Uranus
Neptune Neptune
Pluto Pluto
The Signs
Aries Aries
Taurus Taurus
Gemini Gemini
Cancer Cancer
Leo Leo
Virgo Virgo
Libra Libra
Scorpio Scorpio
Sagittarius Sagittarius
Capricorn Capricorn
Aquarius Aquarius
Pisces Pisces

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StarType: The Antenna
StarType Here is a time when receptivity is enhanced, and there is a natural sense of caring and tending to whatever needs attention - compassion. Not a physically warm or touchy-feely time, perhaps not even fun-filled, but one oriented to detail, real concern, and an increased ability to respond to what comes to your attention: responsibility. Serving and caring for others and things are in order. And while thinking and the mind is to the fore, this is not by that token the best time to do overall strategy planning, as the mind is not clear in the getting-the-big-picture sense.
Solunar Angle: 054°59'
Solunar Angle You are now in a time, when things are freed up quite a bit, and the going should be easier. You may even have that extra energy you need, so you should be able to plan things out and work to get a better grip on the forces around you. And there may well by obstacles that arise. For the sake of what you care for, the goals you have in mind, it may be better to let outmoded or unimportant things pass. Keep your eye on the ball. This may require acceptance of "what is," a not perfect situation, in order to get your new plans launched. In fact, this should be an easier time that a couple of days ago. Check it out.
Closest Aspect: Sun Waxing Opposite to Saturn
Closest Aspect Here is an experience with a sense of discipline and determination, which could manifest as a dignified, serious, or older man or authority figure. It could also have to do with matters of self-discipline or your own inner organization. This is a time for an experience, with a definite before and after. You are in it now, so feel it for what it is.
Interpretation Text by Michael Erlewine
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